Parvo, the Clinic Disease

One of the breeders we purchased a poodle puppy from called me one morning in a panic. She knew I used holistic support for my dogs and my family and was hoping I could give her some suggestions for 2 of her puppies she was afraid she might be losing. It was a Friday and both of these puppies were scheduled to fly to their new homes on the weekend. I asked her what she thought the problem was and she said “parvo.”


She had taken them to the veterinarian just two days earlier for their healthy puppy exam, where nothing was found to be wrong with them. Friday morning they were both sick and had all of the symptoms of parvo. The first thing she said she did was call the veterinarian, where the receptionist, who wasn’t at all surprised with the news about the new illness, told her the puppies probably got it when she brought them to the clinic. They offered no solution.


Another story I heard came from a lady who had an adult dog get symptoms of modified parvo virus after playing in a neighbor’s yard. Because he was an adult, she thought his symptoms couldn’t possibly be parvo. She assumed it was something he had eaten in the neighbor’s yard, but symptoms got worse over the week until he was passing mucousy, bloody diarrhea. When she sought help, it was suggested she give a homeopathic remedy made from the parvo vaccine, so it would be the same resistant form he would have been exposed to. It was explained to her that this would more appropriately support her dog’s immune system in detoxing the vaccine toxins. She gave three doses the first day and symptoms were greatly improved by evening. The next day he was himself again.


Out of curiosity, I asked her about the her neighbor’s dogs, and she said they didn’t have them anymore. After my initial shock, I asked why she felt this came from their yard if they didn’t have any dogs? She proceeded to tell me about the thirty years they bred, trained and showed hunting dogs. In fact, she said, they have a whole room in their house dedicated to dog ribbons and trophies. Knowing they no longer had dogs, I asked if she knew how long it had been since they had dogs in that yard. I wanted to know how long the laboratory-created resistant strains of bacteria, viruses and pathogens can live in the soil from vaccines. I had heard theories and read comments from scientists and doctors on the topic, but hadn’t come across a real live scenario that may shed some light on the topic. She learned that it had been 22 years since the last vaccinated dog was in their yard! What does that say about dog parks?!


In dogs, parvo has become a “disease” in the past 40 years, according to  Drs Pitcairn and Hamilton, both veterinarians, and they believe it is from vaccine exposure.


According to holistic veterinarians, this is considered an iatrogenic (doctor caused) disorder, most commonly caused by exposure to the Parvo and Feline panleukopenia virus vaccines, either from the vaccine itself or an animal who has recently gotten the vaccine. 


We aren’t veterinarians, and wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do for your pet, but what we can do is share with you the list of things we found in our research to both stop doing and to start doing, in order to support your pet’s health from this point forward. As always, we recommend consulting with a Naturopath that works with animals or Holistic Veterinarian. 



Baptisia (offensive, watery, dark, bloody diarrhea, and pet is very weak), China (Cinchona), Phosphorus, Parvo vaccine remedy, Feline Panleukopenia virus vaccine remedy.


Parvaid, by Amber Technology is another homeopathic for Parvo. It can be found at which is also a website that includes more information.  



To avoid your dog from being exposed to parvo, you might consider avoiding veterinarian clinics/offices where vaccines are done.


If you want a veterinarian, it has been suggested to find a house call veterinarian. The benefit is that they can come to your home, away from sick animals and vaccine caused resistant strains of diseases. They also don’t need to push vaccines to pay for their clinic costs.


Avoid places, such as dog parks, kennels, stores, etc., where dogs go that may have been recently vaccinated because, like people, they will “shed” their vaccine for at least 10 days after the vaccine is given.


Conversation Corner: Follow Up on Minerals & Diet

Minerals to improve breeding ability – Last night I was talking with a long time breeder who had 2 females she bought for breeding that, although they were having heat cycles, had never managed to get pregnant. She also had a couple of males who, not for lack of trying, had never gotten a female pregnant. We did some testing on her dogs, and found a deep, long-standing mineral deficiency.  To remedy this situation, her husband went out and bought a 4# mineral block, typically used for livestock, and put it in a bucket, then poured water over it. After the water set for a few minutes in the bucket, he intended to pour it into the dogs’ water dishes. What happened though, was a complete surprise. He said he had never seen his dogs go after water like they did that water, and it was still in the bucket. One male dog drank half the bucket before he could even pour it in his dish.  The others, and there are several, were just as excited to drink the water.  We will see if this changes how they breed.  I am fully expecting them to have normal, productive heat cycles, as well as bigger, healthier litters. (posted August 2016)

Follow-up (as of Jan 2017)

A couple weeks ago I talked again with the breeder who’s dogs couldn’t conceive. I wanted to see if the minerals had helped any of them to be able to get pregnant. I initially thought there were only 2 females who couldn’t conceive, but learned there were really eight. All eight now currently have puppies. Wow, how are you taking care of that many litters at the same time I asked. She laughed, and said they were making due, but never expected this to happen. The 8 litters all came within 9 weeks of each other.  It was a surprise to have so many pregnant at the same time, and such a simple fix  – just the addition of minerals.  Its common to have this happen (simple fix) when there are no chemicals or vaccines in the way. It makes such a difference.  

Diet is everything – A few months ago I got a call from a breeder who inquired about using my male standard poodle as a stud for her female. She wanted to use him because she was familiar with his pedigree from her 40 years of breeding and showing poodles with the AKC. Her female is an older dog, and she thought maybe she could get 1-3 puppies out of her, and this would be her last breeding.  I asked her what she feeds her dog and suggested she increase her minerals and meat before trying to breed her. She was just getting kibble at the time, and really couldn’t afford anything else. When it was time, the dog came to my house and stayed with our stud a week to be bred. During that week, I fed her raw eggs, raw meat, bones, and healthy well water so she would get lots of minerals. Eight weeks later she whelped (gave birth) to 6 puppies.  Once again I asked the breeder about her dogs diet, and learned it was still just kibble. 

Diet/nutrients mean everything to the health of animals as well as humans.  If you want healthy puppies, healthy breastmilk for those puppies, and for them to be disease free, the best thing you can do is feed them a nutrient rich diet, free of chemicals, preservatives, and other toxins.  A week later I learned 2 of the puppies had died.  It breaks my heart.  This woman, well-meaning as she is, is the same mindset as many of the breeders I speak with, they are so used to losing puppies, even up to most of the litter that they think its normal. I will know in a few more weeks if any of them survive.

We have all heard the saying “In nature, the strong survive and the weak die”. I know this is true, and it’s because of the lack of appropriate food, water and shelter that this happens.  We, however, have the opportunity to change this when the animal is in our care.  All we have to do is make sure the mother is well-fed and cared for, and therefore all of the puppies have a good chance to be “strong.” (posted August 2016)

Follow-up (as of Jan 2017)

I feel like I was hasty when I said earlier that “diet and nutrients mean everything to the health of animals…”  I know its true, but I should have kept my focus more on God’s plan in all of this. I haven’t been breeding my dogs for very long, so I’m still a bit of an idealist.  I want to save all of the puppies that are born to my dogs.  But, watching the puppies grow, day after day (I do keep a close watch), I had missed the mother’s side of things.  After this last litter, which was a big one, eleven puppies, all whom survived, I have shifted my attention more to the mother’s health and well-being regarding the care of the puppies. The mother/dam of these eleven puppies was on a good diet of raw meat and eggs throughout the pregnancy and after their birth.  She did exceptionally well during the birth, having no problems whatsoever, even cleaned the puppies as they were coming out, and ate all of the placentas just as they were being delivered.  Amazing!  There was little to no mess at all from the birth.

She then diligently cleaned and cared for each of her puppies, and even went so far as to wrap herself around them to prevent anyone from seeing or touching them. I should add that, there were only two of us present, both of whom she trusts and adores. But, when it came to her puppies, we weren’t even  good enough to touch them. I take that to be a sign of a good mother.  

Fast forward a week and we noticed that some of the puppies were getting weak because they were unable to get to the nipples enough due to the bigger, more aggressive puppies, getting their first.  Even when they were able to latch onto a nipple, one of the bigger puppies would knock them off and take it over.  And, this was before their eyes were open!  For the less aggressive puppies to survive, it required help from a person to purposely remove the bigger puppies from the nipples after a few minutes of nursing and put the smaller ones on.  There was nothing the mother could do without help from a human. With help, all of the puppies gained the needed weight and were thriving.  Without help, at least these 4 would have died.

Week two- When the eyes of the puppies opened, and the mother went into the “nest” to nurse them, the more aggressive puppies were even more diligent about getting to the nipples first.  Taking them off the nipples after a few minutes wasn’t enough to allow the smaller, less aggressive puppies adequate time to nurse. They had to be moved further away from their mother, where it would take them longer to crawl back.  This had to be done with each nursing in order to give the littler ones enough time to nurse before they were once again knocked off the nipple.

Week three – All puppies were thriving well, but only with a lot of intervention to make sure each got an adequate amount of milk. By the end of the third week the puppies were able to have their diet of mother’s milk supplemented with goat’s milk. They not only loved it, but thrived on it. They would always be nursed first, to make sure they got as much of their mother’s milk as they could, then followed-up with a dish of goat’s milk.  

Week four –  The puppies were getting big enough that their size alone would allow only 4 puppies to nurse at a time. Without human intervention, I think we would have been down to just 4, maybe 5 puppies who survived. That means 6-7 would have died. This observation helped me to realize what “survival of the fittest really means” regarding dogs.  Although I am grateful we were there to help, intervene, and supplement as needed, it was a good lesson for me in animal husbandry. I had simplified the birth process to being about diet and the mother’s willingness to nurse their young. But there is so much more to it then that, including the natural law of survival of the fittest.  

Everything You Didn’t Know You Need to Know about Your Dog’s Vaccination

Here is an article from Kim Campbell Thornton published on:

Kim Campbell Thornton is an award-winning author who has written many articles and more than a dozen books about dogs and cats. She belongs to the Dog Writers Association of America and is past president of the Cat Writers Association. She shares her home in California with three Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and one African ringneck parakeet.

We aren’t veterinarians, and wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do for your pet, but what we can do is share with you the list of things we found in our research to both stop doing and to start doing, in order to support your pet’s health from this point forward. As always, we recommend you consult with a Holistic Veterinarian or a Naturopath that works with animals.

Vaccinations have saved many pets’ lives over the years, but they aren’t without risk. Now, with new research showing that immunity may last longer than once thought, veterinary experts say it’s safer to decrease the frequency of most shots that typically have been given every year.

Side effects from vaccinations range from mild itching and swelling to anaphylactic shock leading to death. Cats may develop vaccine sarcomas, which are cancers that develop at the site of the injection. And dogs may develop certain autoimmune diseases.

Veterinarians have suspected for years that annual vaccinations for cats and dogs aren’t necessary, but large, well-controlled studies just didn’t exist to prove it one way or the other. With the exception of rabies vaccine, the U.S. Department of Agriculture doesn’t require data beyond one year for any vaccine.

With that being the case, vaccine manufacturers arbitrarily recommended annual vaccinations, and most veterinarians, concerned about liability issues, concurred.

Sometimes immunity lasts a lifetime
More recently, however, several published studies have shown that immunity provided by some vaccines lasts for much longer than one year and in some cases for a lifetime.

“We know that for [canine] distemper and parvo, for example, the immunity lasts a minimum of five years, probably seven to nine years, and for some individuals for a lifetime,” says veterinarian Jean Dodds, founder of Hemopet, the first nonprofit national blood bank program for animals, located in Santa Monica, Calif.

“For cats, so far we have challenge data out nine years showing that immunity is still protective,” says Dodds. And with rabies vaccine, new data indicate the immunity lasts for at least seven years, she says.

What does all this mean for your dog or cat? As with many other aspects of veterinary medicine, vaccinations are becoming individualized, but in most cases, fewer and less frequent vaccinations are the way to go. Most animals need only what are known as core vaccines: those that protect against the most common and most serious diseases. In dogs, the core vaccines are distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis and rabies. In cats, they are panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis (herpesvirus), and rabies as required by law.

Three-year interval recommended
“Current vaccine protocol is to properly immunize puppies and kittens with two or three doses, starting later than we used to, maybe at eight weeks and not earlier than six weeks,” Dodds says. “Then you can give a booster at one year and either repeat it every three years, stagger it by giving one vaccine per year instead of combination vaccines, or do titers instead.” Titers are tests that measure the level of antibodies in the blood, which would indicate that immunity still exists.

That recommended three-year interval was a compromise decision. “Annual boosters for the core vaccinations are excessive for most dogs and cats,” says veterinarian Link Welborn of North Bay Animal and Bird Hospital in Tampa, Fla., and a member of the most recent panel of veterinarians that revised vaccination guidelines for dogs and cats. “Limited studies suggest that booster vaccinations for many of the core vaccinations last for at least seven years. However, given the limited number of animals involved in these studies, three years seemed like a reasonable compromise.”

There’s also an advantage to giving single rather than combination vaccines. “Giving more vaccinations increases the likelihood of side effects,” Welborn says. “Separating vaccinations allows the veterinarian to determine which vaccine caused a side effect if one occurs.”

If you’re concerned that your dog or cat will develop a vaccine-related health problem, but you want to make sure they’re protected against disease, annual titers are an economical alternative.

They’re reliable and costs are comparable to those for vaccinations. For instance, at Canyon Animal Hospital in Laguna Beach, Calif., the rate for a combination distemper/parvo titer is $39. If the dog turns out to need a vaccination, it’s given at no additional charge. Titers are also available for cats.

Consider changing veterinarians if yours claims that titers are too expensive to perform, charges $50 or more for them or wants to vaccinate because a titer level is “too low.”

“Any measurable titer to a specific antigen means you’ve got immune memory cells,” Dodds says.

Skip the annual exam, too?
So do these new recommendations mean that your dog or cat no longer needs an annual veterinary exam? Don’t get your hopes up.

The physical exam your veterinarian performs is far more important than vaccinations. In a recent study on longevity, 16 percent of dogs and 20 percent of cats were found to have subclinical — meaning signs weren’t yet obvious — diseases that were diagnosed through an exam and routine lab work.

“Many people, because the animal is living with them, don’t notice subtle changes in the behavior or the clinical state of the animal that a veterinarian would notice,” Dodds says.

Welborn likes to see veterinarians and pet owners working together to perform an annual lifestyle risk assessment. That means looking at the animal’s environment and habits to decide whether it needs such non-core vaccines as those for feline leukemia or Lyme disease or canine cough (probably not, unless the exposure risk is high) and whether it needs changes in diet or exercise levels to prevent obesity and its attendant problems, which include arthritis and diabetes.

“Care should be individualized for each pet,” Welborn says. “The days of treating all dogs and cats the same are gone.”

Understanding Pet Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccine Ingredients and Their Side-Effects

  1. Aluminum hydroxide adjuvant: Increases the reactivity of the immune system to the vaccines ingredients by 10-20 times; insures a much stronger, and at times, more dangerous reaction to the vaccine (it is added for this purpose); aluminum, because it is a neurotoxin, increases the toxicity of thimerosal when added to vaccines that contain it; causes massive brain-cell death in laboratory mice; aluminum is also linked to memory weakening and memory loss in humans as well as concentration problems.
  1. Thimerosal mercury derivative: Used as a preservative. Thimerosal releases ethylmercury, which is insoluble in water and penetrates the skin and all organs of the body with great ease. In 1977 a report was published that linked thimerosal to the death of 10 infants. Thimerosal suppresses the immune system, decreases the body’s ability to make B12, suppresses the proper modification of RNA and DNA, causes intestinal dysbiosis (intestinal flora begins to damage the intestines rather than protecting it), and cause abnormal myelination of the nervous system and corresponding neurological damage (i.e., tics, twitching, seizures).
  1. Antibiotics: Used to weaken the bacteria or pathogen it accompanies. Antibiotics cause a modification of bacteria and viruses when used in the vaccine, thereby making them resistant to the immune system; antibiotics introduce yeast, fungi, molds and mildew into the body of the recipient thereby encouraging the growth of bad bacteria and yeasts in the body; and they are linked to developmental disorders, learning disabilities, and immune system failures.
  1. Formaldehyde: Used as a germicide, fungicide, defoamer, and preservative. A highly reactive chemical that is damaging to the hereditary substances in the cells of several species; causes lung cancer in rats, “as well as other biological consequences”; damages the DNA and inhibits DNA repair; suspected of reacting with other chemical additives to produce mutagenic (mutations) and carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects.
  1. Polysorbate 80. An emulsifier, stabilizer and humectant, associated with the contaminant 1,4 dioxane that causes cancer in animals; contains harmful residues of ethylene oxide, ethylene glycols (see below), and can increase the absorption of fat-dissolving substances and can cause abnormalities of digestion.
  1. Ethylene oxide. A fumigant, derived from the oxidation of ethylene. Irritant to the eyes and skin, suspected as being a carcinogenUsed in pesticide products building materials and contributor of indoor air pollution. According to OSHA, it possesses several physical and health hazards. May contribute to respiratory problems, headache, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Chronic exposure is associated with cancer, reproductive imbalances, mutagenic changes, and neurotoxicity.
  1. Ethylene glycol. Typically used as an antifreeze, humectant, and solventToxic when ingested, causing central nervous system depression, vomiting, drowsiness, coma, respiratory failure, kidney damage and possibly death.
  1. Sodium phosphate dibasic. Buffer and effervescent used in the manufacture of nail enamels and detergents. 
  1. Monosodium glutamate: Causes brain damage in young rodents and brain damage effects in rats, rabbits, chicks, and monkeys. Depression, irritability and mood changes have also been reported. MSG is on the FDA list for further study for its mutagenic (an agent or factor that causes mutation of cells)teratogenic (causes malformation of an embryo) and reproductive effects. MSG administered to animals during neonatal period resulted in reproductive dysfunction when they became adults.
  1. Human and/or animal tissue cells: Often these tissues cells are “diseased”, meaning they are infected. They are used to grow some of the bacteria for vaccines. Any tissue cells in a vaccine can cause auto-antibody production to the recipients own body. Its called an auto-immune diseaseIt is impossible for the body to begin attacking its own tissues unless it is tricked into doing so through vaccines, or other injection of tissue cells. See “Autoimmune Disorders” below for more information.


  1. Vaccine Safety Manual, Neil Miller, New Atlantean Press
  2. Vaccine Epidemic, Louise Kuo Kabakus, M.A., Mary Holland, J.D.
  3. A Consumers Dictionary of Food Additives, Ruth Winter, M.S.
  4. Nutrition and Dietary Consultant, 1990, By Jeffery S. Bland, Ph.D.
  5. Rethinking AIDS, by Robert Root-Bernstein, PhD.
  6. Developmental Delay Registry, Patricia Lemer, Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, Oct 1995 
  7. Albert Hueber, Lets Live Magazine, June 1995

  8. The Plague Makers, by Jeffrey Fisher, MD.

  9. The Best Medicine, Kurt Butler, M.S., Lynn Rayner, M.D.
  10. Food is Your Best Medicine, Henry Bieler M.D.
  11. Newsweek, “The End of Antibiotics” Dr. Thomas Beam of the Buffalo, N.Y., VA Medical Center, March 1994

Puppy Vaccination Facts

The information below is written for education purposes only.  It is not intended to replace the advice of a veterinarian, who should be consulted in matters relating to your pet’s health when medical conditions exist. Individual pet owners are solely responsible for their own decisions regarding the health and care of their pets.

We aren’t veterinarians, and wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do for your pet, but what we can do is share with you information we have found in research in order to support your pet’s health from this point forward.

It is a blessing for those of us who have dogs, that dogs and humans share many of the same health challenges. And their vaccines are much the same as ours. This allows us to learn from the experiences and studies done on people and apply this knowledge to our pets as well. 

The idea behind vaccines is the same for animals as it is for people. That by purposely exposing the immune system to an attenuated, or weakened, version of certain strains of bacteria or viruses, we could control the development of immunity to them. It was throrized that this technique would cause a more gentle reaction from the immune system, thereby avoiding the symptoms of a full blown illness. Its a good theory, however, because the viruses and bacteria in the vaccines are exposed to antibiotics, mercury-derived preservatives (thimersal), acetone, formaldehyde, hormones, mold, mildew, animal tissues, animal derived parasites, mycoplasma, and other toxic agents, they formed a resistant strain of the bacteria or virus instead. One foreign to the immune system. 

To make matters worse, instead of putting vaccines in the mouth, where the IgA antibodies in the mucous membranes of the mouth, sinuses and intestines can be stimulated to build antibodies (this is where the making of them is activated), they are injected deep into the tissues, where they stimulate the IgG antibodies.  The injected vaccines, instead of “immunizing,” served to weaken the immune system. In addition, a variety of new diseases was created, falling under the heading of “ autoimmune diseases” that resulted from the human tissues cells in the vaccine, that had been used to make them. 

Dr. Richard Moskowitz, M.D., in an article published in Health Freedom News, titled Vaccine-Related Illness, said “ Vaccines do not act merely by producing pale or mild copies of the original disease, all of them also commonly produce a variety of symptoms of their own. Moreover, in some cases, these illnesses may be considerably more serious than the original disease, involving deeper structures, more vital organs…” (originally reprinted from the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy).

Here is an examplePediatric Immunologist, Dr. Aubrey Tingle, at Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia, linked the injected rubella vaccine to symptoms of arthritis. It is also suspected of causing kidney failure in infants and young children. Not what you would expect from rubella (german measles).

Here is another example. Professor Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D., a cell biologist and vaccine researcher, collected data from several hundred doctors and patients who suffered neurological complications from the hepatitis B vaccine. Her list of complaints include: joint pain, chronic fatigue, lupus-like symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Also not what you would expect. When New Zealand began a hepatitis-B vaccination program, researchers noted a 60% increase in the numbers of juvenile diabetes cases in the vaccinated population. 

In an article on animal vaccines in Alternative Medicine Digest, Issue 19, 1997 it was confirmed that animal vaccines do indeed cause similar reactions in animals to what human vaccines cause in humans. Not only are they created the same, but they also work much the same, and they seem to be getting worse with subsequent generations. In other words, we inherit some of the damage done by vaccines to our parents and grandparents. Then we add our own vaccine damage to that. 

According to Dr. Richard Pitcairn, D.V.M., Ph.D., of Eugene, Oregon, vaccines cause chronic health problems, autoimmune diseases, skin problems, nervous system abnormalities, cancers, tumors, seizures, and… tumors at the site of the injection. But – they have a solution: Dr. Jean Dodds, D.V.M., of Santa Monica, California says that tumors at the site of injection are becoming so common after vaccination, that some veterinarians are now giving them in the legs so they can be easily amputated if a tumor does develop. Dr. Dodds also found in her research, that vaccines cause high spiking fevers, cyclic pain, joint pain, diarrhea, lethargy, enlarged lymph nodes, and chronic illness into adulthood of the animal. And just like our children, some of the young animals vaccinated don’t survive more than a few days after receiving their vaccines. 

And again, just like people, Dr. Pitcairn said he found dogs sometimes become aggressive, destructive, and even hysterical after receiving a vaccine. He said in his 20 years of practice he witnessed a dramatic difference between pets that were vaccinated and those not vaccinated. He said the pets not vaccinated have less illness, better coats, they tend not to attract parasites and are generally healthier overall. 

One misconception that people have about vaccines is that if there was damage done to a child or pet, it would occur immediately and is an obvious reaction to their vaccine. However, research indicates this is usually not the case. Yes, there are those that die within the first 24 hours, others within a week. The rest however, all of whom suffer some degree of damage (who wouldn’t when poisons and toxins are injected into their body) that can worsen over time. According to research however, there was no correlation found between the severity of symptoms suffered when the vaccines are given and the damage that appears later on in life. In other words, just because your child, or pet, didn’t go into immediate seizures, have a high fever, or collapse into a coma, doesn’t mean there isn’t significant damage to their brain or organs of the body. Or, that that damage won’t increase in severity over the years. (Postgraduate Medicine 5, 1949, A.B. Baker; Journal of Pediatrics 34, 1949) 

Dr. Viera Scheibner, author of Vaccination – 100 years of Orthodox Research, made the following statement about the studies done on the safety and efficacy of vaccines: “There is not one study that demonstrates the safety and efficacy of any vaccine, or that they immunize at all.” She went on to say “ Immunizations, including those practiced on babies, not only did not prevent any infectious diseases, they caused more suffering and deaths than any other human activity in the history of medical intervention. “ She suggests, that the next time your doctor or veterinarian wants to put a vaccine in your loved one, whether animal or human, ask him for written proof of efficacy and safety. Then read it yourself, in its entirety. I think you will be shocked. 

In How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor (page 232), Dr. Mendelsohn states: There is growing suspicion that immunization against relatively harmless childhood diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced.” Autoimmune disease is no longer uncommon in vaccinated animals either. 

In a 1964 issue of American Review of Respiratory Diseases, J. Brody stated, Immunoligists have been aware of a state of immunologic unresponsiveness following vaccination for years now.”

Dr. Henry Bybee, quoted in Murder by Injection, by Eustace Mullins, said “ My honest opinion is that vaccinations are the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name.”

Dr. Richard Moskowitz, in an article from The National Health Federation, titled, How Do the Vaccines Work? Said, “ It is dangerously mis-leading and indeed the exact opposite of the truth to claim that a vaccine makes us immune or protects us against acute disease…

Dr. Richard Delong, a Professor of Biology, quoted in Science News, July 31,1976, stated: “There are dangers grave to the future of mankind … This uncontrolled genetic manipulation is the mass administration of attenuated viral vaccines…” he goes on to say “…Attenuated vaccine viruses are infectious…they have the potential to be transmitted vertically and these viruses then, could be inherited through generations…This is to say nothing whatever of the other potential dangers the vaccine recipients must bear … such as mutations, chromosomal aberrations, birth defects, cancer, and reversion to virulence.” or, in other words, a return to a highly contagious state.

Why Do We Still Vaccinate if They are so Dangerous?

Doctor Robert Mendelsohn, in his book How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, described one reason. He described what happened at a forum with the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1982. A resolution was proposed that suggested the AAP make information available to parents about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines. According to doctor Mendelsohn, the doctors at the forum rejected the idea. They did not want parents to have this information.  Dr. Mendelsohn said “…because routine immunizations, that bring patients back for repeated office calls, are the bread and butter of their specialty, pediatricians continue to defend them to the death.” Another physician agreed with Dr. Mendelsohn, stating that he felt vaccines did nothing more than make patients for a life-time.  Dr. Coulter stated If pediatricians couldn’t schedule well-baby visits and vaccines for kids, they’d have to fold up their tents and ride into the sunset. Because vaccines provide a large portion of their livelihood.” Unfortunately, it appears as though the same applies to veterinary medicine. 

Puppy Immunizations Without the Shot

The great news is that puppies can receive the important immunizations necessary without the risks of injections. Proven oral immunizations have been used for centuries to support immune function and disease protection.


  1. Bieler, Henry G., M.D., 1965, Food is Your Best Medicine, Ballantine Books, New York

  2. Kerasote, Ted, 2014, Pukka’s Promise, The Quest for Longer-Lived Dogs, Mariner Books, Boston & New York

  3. Mitchell, Deborah, 2013, The Complete Book of Home Remedies for Your Dog, St. Martin’s Press, NY

  4. Bricklin, Mark, 1983, Executive Editor Prevention magazine. The Practical Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, New Revised Edition. Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania.

  5. Clark, Linda, 1971. Get Well Naturally, ARC Books, Inc., New York

  6. Coulter, Harris, 1990, Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality, the Medical Assault on the American Brain, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA 

  7. Cummings, Stephen, M.D., and Ullman, Dana, M.P.H., 1977,  Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicine, G.P. Putnam’s Sons publisher, New York

  8. Encyclopedia for Healthful Living, p. 956, Rodale Press, November 4, 1950, quote from the Journal of American Medical Association

  9. Finn, Kathleen, Vaccination: Prevention or Poison?  Delicious! Magazine, Sept., 1994

  10. Finn, Tom, Attorney, Dangers of Compulsory Immunizations, How to Avoid them Legally, 1987, Family Fitness Press, New Port Richley, FL

  11. Fisher, Barbara Loe, and Harris Coulter,  DPT, A Shot in the Dark, 1985, Warner Books

  12. James, Walene, 1988, Immunization: the Reality Behind the Myth, Bergin and Garvey

  13. Journal of Pediatrics 108, 1951

  14. Journal of American Academy Child Psychiatry 24:1, 1985, J.A. Lerner

  15. Kanner, Leo, The Nervous Child II, 1942-1943

  16. Kirschmann, Gayla and John, 1973. The Nutrition Almanac, 4th Edition, p. 77 

  17. Krieger, D. Abba, DC, MPH, Article “The Naked Truth About Vaccinations” The National Health Federation Vaccination Kit

  18. Leviton, Richard, “Who Calls the Shots?” Health Freedom News Magazine, July/Aug 1989

  19. Mendelsohn, Robert S., M.D., 1984, How to Raise a Healthy Child…In Spite of Your Doctor, pg. 232, Ballentine Books, N.Y. 

  20. Menkes, “A Follow-up Study on the Hyperkinetic Child with Minimal Brain Dysfunction” Pediatric Journal, Vol. 39, 1967

  21. Miller, Neil Z., 2005,  Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? New Atlantean Press, NM

  22. Miller, Neil Z., 2008, Vaccine Safety Manual, For Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, New Atlantean Press, NM

  23. Moskowitz, Richard, MD, How Do Vaccines Work, The National Health Federation, Immunization Kit, 212 W. Foothill Blvd, Monrovia, CA

  24. Mullins, Eustace, Murder by InjectionThe Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America, Scriptures of America, LaPorte, CO

  25. Murray, Michael, N.D., and Pizzorno, Joseph, N.D., 1998. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Prima Health/ Prima Publishing, Inc.

  26. National Vaccine Information Center, Vol. 1, #6, Jan/Feb 1996, “The Vaccine Reaction”

  27. Neustaeder, Randall, The Immunization Decision, Publishing Group West, CA, 1995

  28. Panos, Maesimund B. M.D., and Heimlich, Jane, 1980. Homeopathic Medicine At Home, St. Martin’s Press, N.Y.

  29. Pediatrics Journal, June 1988 “Report on the Task Force on Pertussis Immunization” by Cherry 

  30. Pediatric Clinics of North America 31:2, April 1984, M.D. Levine

  31. Psychiatric Research Reports 7, 1957

  32. Rodale, J.I., and Harold J. Taub, 1971. Magnesium, the Nutrient that Could Change Your Life. (This book is no longer in print but can be found on the internet in its entirety)

  33. Scheibner, Viera, Ph.D., 1993. Vaccination, 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows That Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System, New Atlantean Press, Sante Fe, NM

  34. Smyth, Angela, 1994. The Complete Home Healer, Harper Collins Publishers

  35. Tenney, Louise, M.H., 1996. Health Handbook, Second Edition, by Woodland Publishing

  36. Tenpenny, Sherri, J., D.O., Vaccines, The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices, DVD, Second Edition

  37. Vaccination Fact Sheet, “Are You and Your Child at Risk?” National Health Federation, 212 W. Foothill Blvd, Monrovia, CA, 1996

  38. Vogel, H.C.A., Doctor, 1995. The Nature Doctor, Keats Publishing, Inc., Connecticut

  39. Volk, Wesley, and Margaret Wheeler, Basic Microbiology, Sixth Edition, p. 558 

  40. Weil, Andrew, M.D. 1988. Health and Healing, Houghton Mifflin, Co., Boston

  41. Williams, Roger J., M.D., 1971. Nutrition Against Disease, Bantam Books