What You Need to Know about Feeding Your Pet

Martin Goldstein is not only a veterinarian, but the author of two wonderful books on animals. I have only read the one, The Nature of Animal Healing, and am so impressed with his honesty and the commonsense he has for someone  in his field. Unfortunately this isn’t something you see everyday. His book is the kind you want to read twice. It’s that good! I’m not saying you will agree with everything he says, I don’t either, but he has allowed God to teach him along the way, and learned from what he has seen, rather than ignore, or deny it, because it didn’t agree with what he was taught to believe in medical school.

Here is a sampling of what he says in his book (he has a lot of things worth quoting). Starting on page 4 of his book The Nature of Animal Healing, he says:

Twenty-five years ago when I started out in practice, the pets I saw with these diseases (arthritis, kidney or liver failure, hyperthyroidism, cancers) were old. Their conditions seemed to be age-related, and slow-growing enough to be accepted. Of the cases I see now, many are young and don’t live past the age of five.”

He describes how these diseases are becoming common amongst our pets, as well as faster growing and more aggressive. As you read through his book, and many others like them (Dr. Pitcairn’s. Dr. Don Hamilton’s) you will find they are linking the increase and severity of these diseases to vaccines and poor, or worse, toxic pet foods sold to the consumer.

He goes on to say, “As a holistic veterinarian, I don’t view cancer as a mysterious disease that attacks the body. It’s the ultimate manifestation of ill health…To me, it’s clear that more and more pets are getting cancer and other degenerative diseases because they’re being hit with more and more toxins that eventually mutate their genes, weakening successive generations.”

Raising holistic dogs myself, I find this to be absolutely true, and as an avid muscle-tester, I know it bears out in the testing too. When I go to a grocery store and test the packaged dog foods on the shelf I find they are pretty awful at best, and poisonous at worst. It’s rare that I find one “beneficial” for my dogs. And I don’t even bother to check regular grocery stores, it’s a waste of time. So, I am testing at health food stores, where the animal food is supposed to be high quality, more “healthy,” then the average stores have to offer. Then there was the testing experience at one of the major high-end grocery stores we shop. I say “high-end” because its not your average grocery store. This store carries a lot of organic groceries, both produce and packaged foods. Usually, we don’t buy our red meat at a grocery store because we get it from a farmer who raises his animals organically and uses homeopathics for their healthcare. Our dogs also eat this meat. This day though, we were out of meat for the dogs while we waited for our next shipment.

While at the store, I decided to purchase grass-fed organic ground beef for the dogs. Before doing that, I thought about testing some of the other, cheaper meats (all raw) for the dogs. After all, they are dogs, and they would rather eat road-kill then processed people meat anyway. We’ve had dogs of one breed or another all of my 50 plus years, and they have all either hunted for live kill, or brought home dead road-kill. We have watched them eat cats, squirrels, rabbits, mice, ground hogs, you name it. One brought home a road-kill turkey and even drug home a deer carcass someone had left in the woods after a hunting trip. None of them got “sick” or “diseased” from eating these things either. So, why buy the most expensive meat in the store?!

I got busy testing which pieces of meat were good for the dogs. I walked up and down the meat counter testing, then tested again. Surely this couldn’t be right. I was testing for dogs, not people, I reminded myself. Then I did it again. As I stood there perplexed, I watched the people, dozens of them, hang over the meat counter as they choose their pieces of meat.

Wow, if none, and I tested NONE, of the meat was even beneficial for my dogs, how could it possibly be good for people? I discussed this with my husband, who reminded me of the antibiotics, hormones, vaccines, pesticides, herbicides and GMO grains fed to the animals that were represented in this meat counter. I felt sick as I watched all of the people pick out their meat selections and put them in their grocery carts. They had no idea the meat they were buying, and paying a good price for, wasn’t good for them. As I picked up the organic meat for my dogs, I had to remind myself that, even for dogs, what is the point of feeding them a “food” (I hate to give even call it that) that may contribute to sickness or disease?

Spending a little bit more now on the organic meat, will result in a ton of savings of money and valuable time down the road as the dogs remain healthy (and out of the vet’s office) long-term. Preventative health for animals includes quality nutrition just as it does for humans. Preventative health in the form of healthy meat means decreased or zero vet bills down for life span of the animal! With these thoughts in mind, we purchased the meat and headed for home with the good feeling that our choices now will allow our dogs to live healthy for longer. 

How Do I Detox My Dog?

Did you buy a dog that is already vaccinated and now suspect the vaccines may be harming him? This post is an idea of how you might support his body in detoxing the harmful residues from the vaccines.

For the health and well-being of a new family dog, in my opinion, I feel there are 10 things you might want to address. Especially if your dog has been given vaccines, or comes from parent-dogs that were vaccinated. This will address the worms, pathogens, and toxins they had passed down to them via the parent from vaccine solutions injected into their body’s.

Our first dog had 4 sacks filled with worms, or pathogens, that we believe came from vaccines. We feel we are right about this for two reasons, first because kinesiology indicated it was a possibility, and second, because it took homeopathics made with vaccine frequencies to support her body in the elimination of them.

The first one her body eliminated was the Rabies vaccine. We gave her the  Rabies Vax/ Rabies Vax Wormremedy first. The  Parainfluenza Vax/ Parainflu Vax Worm was second, and the last one we did was the Parvo – Distemper Vax/PD Vax Worms remedy. With each of these we gave her a remedy for three days, and on the third day we witnessed her pass a large sack full of worms. Each one looked different. After taking the Rabies vaccine homeopathic remedy, she passed a bright yellow bag, almost 8 inches in length, containing long worms that looked like bright yellow spaghetti noodles.

When we gave her the Parainfluenza Vax/Parainflu Vax Worm homeopathic remedy, she passed a brownish bag of pus and worms that was the size of my fist. The last remedy, a combination of the Parvo and Distemper vaccines, supported her body in the elimination of a grey bag of worms, also the size of my fist. It always amazes me that puppies can survive such toxic matter in their little bodies. I guess thats why so many of them have health problems, cancers, and die miserable deaths at half the age, and younger, than they use to before they started shooting them with these “vaccines”.

We aren’t veterinarians, and wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do for your pet, but what we can do is share with you the list of things we found in our research to both stop doing and to start doing, in order to support your pet’s health from this point forward.

In order of what vaccine damage should be addressed first, and at what age it is generally thought to be safe and effective to cleanse it out of your pet.

1. Rabies vaccine – at 7 months of age, to support the prevention of epilepsy, heart disorders, cysts tumors, cancers, liver issues, pancreas and blood sugar disorders.

2. Parainfluenza virus vaccine – at 10 months of age, to support the prevention of hip displasia, joint problems, eye problems.

3. Leukemia vaccine – at 13 months of age to support the prevention of cancer, skin diseases, leukemia, intestinal disorders, cysts, sacks of parasites.

4. Distemper vaccine – at 16 months of age to to support the prevention of seizures, rage, bladder weakness, abnormal growths, cysts, heart problems.

5. Parvovirus vaccine – at 20 months of age, to support the prevention of rage and aggression, sacks of parasites, spine issues, kidney problems, cysts, and seizures.

  • Parvo and Lepto vaccines together to support the prevention of Cushings disease symptoms,and kidney issues.
  • Parvo and Distemper together to support the prevention of aggressive behaviors, especiallywhen directed toward children, liver issues.

6. Rickettsia vaccine – at 25 months of age, to support the prevention of cancer, pancreas problems.

7. Adenovirus vaccine – at 28 months of age, to support the prevention of hip displasia, spine problems, warty growths, cysts.

  •   Adenovirus with leptospirosis vaccine – death, kidney failure, seizures

8. Tetanus vaccine at 30 months of age, to support the prevention of thyroid and adrenal issues (Addison’s disease), tumors, sacks of parasites, kidney issues and pancreas issues.

9. CoronaVirus vaccine at 35 months of age, to support the prevention of joint problems, eye disorders, nose disorders, and kidney issues

10. Leptospirosis vaccine at 36 months of age, to support the prevention of pancreas problems, sacks of parasites, and death

House Training Your Puppy…the Wrong Way

Wow was I in for a surprise. Here I was thinking how easy this whole house training business was, only to find out I was actually endangering the lives of my puppies.

It all started when my standard poodle gave birth to 10 puppies. They were all in the house, in my entryway of all places, on the only tile floor we have that is big enough for them. I asked several other breeders what they did for the mess, meaning puppy poop and potty (I still use mommy lingo). I was told that the mother takes care of the mess for the first 3 weeks or more, so not to be too concerned. Yes, she eats their poop and licks up their urine. An instinctive thing of course, probably to keep them safe from predators. She also ate each and every sac and placenta as they were born. Another protective measure. But thats another topic. 

What about after the first three weeks, what then, I wanted to know. I asked several dog breeders what they do, and found that some use recycled newspaper pellets for bedding and to absorb waste, one uses a roll of plain newspaper (without the print), and another breeder uses untreated wood shavings. I won’t use the newspaper pellets because of concern about ink toxicity, and the wood shavings are more for out door. In place of the plain paper, which would be the best choice for us, I thought I would use potty pads. You know, the kind your elderly loved ones sleep on when they have incontinence issues. These would be easy to lay down, and easy to clean up.

So off to Walmart we went. We bought a big bag of potty pads and my husband created a nice place, through a little doggy door in their pen for them to relieve themselves away from their sleeping place. Even at 6 weeks I wasn’t secure with the idea of taking them outside. We didn’t have our yard fenced in yet, and the idea of 10 puppies scattering all over the yard in different directions horrified me. Then there were the scare stories everyone kept telling with me about hawks, coyotes, and fox running off with small dogs and puppies. We have all of those things, even an occassional eagle will fly over, and a cougar with two cubs has been spotted on the hill behind us. 

Then there was the story about our neighbor’s dog. He is a chihuahua, or hawk food, as some call them. As it turns out, there is good reason for that nickname. Our neighbor towards the front of our house shared the following story with us. One day when they were looking out their front window they saw the chihuahua (who belongs to the neighbor towards the back of us) in our front yard hiding under our bird bath. As they watched to see what he was up to, they noticed a hawk circuling above the bird bath. He must have thought this poor dog was the perfect size for a meal, as he seemed determined to get him. After several minutes of this, the dog got up the nerve to run for the back yard towards the trees and his own house. As he ran across the front yard, the neighbors told us the hawk was in close pursuit, and at one point they were sure the hawk was going to catch him because it got close enough to touch the dog’s back with his talons. Just as it did, the dog turned and leaped for the hawk. I don’t know what he must have thought he was going to accomplish, maybe he was just mad enough to bite back. Regardless, it worked! The hawk backed off just long enough to allow the dog to make it under the trees on the other side of the house. This happened in OUR yard! Nope… my puppies weren’t going outside until they were big enough to discourage a hawk.

In the meantime, I needed something to put in the potty room of their indoor pen. I thought the potty pads would absorb well so the smell wasn’t as bad, well, as it could be. And the ones I chose tested to be “safe” to use, and didn’t have as much chemical in them as the super absorbant pads did. What I forgot to test was the safety of the chemicals on the paws of the puppies once they were activated (peed on). In addition to that, I should have tested if they were safe with they were chewed on, ripped apart, and spread all over their pen. Silly me, they’re puppies! In addition, these pads were going to get super wet, not just damp. I was going to have a lot of dogs using the same pad during the night. 

They did seem to work fine when the puppies were still pretty little and only peeing small amounts. The puppies actually trained themselves to go on the pad. As they got older though, the smell in the house was so bad, that it was waking me up between 4-5:00 a.m., just because of the smell. And my bedroom isn’t anywhere close to where the puppies are! I didn’t realize until later that it was the chemical in their poop that made their stools smell so bad, and their poor tummies were a mess because of them. The last night we used the pads, I woke up at 3:30 in the morning to a loud commotion in the front room. When I went in to check the puppies and see what was going on, they were running in circles in their pen, flipping over on their backs, chewing their feet and whining. It almost looked as if they were having seizures. And yes, it was as horrifying as it sounds! 

I stood and watched them for what seemed like 5 minutes, but was really more like 60 seconds, before I recognized what the biting of the paws had to be about. They were exposed to poison of some sort, but where? How? One by one, at 3:45 in the morning, I carried them into our bathroom and washed their feet. But when I put them back in their pen it started all over again. 

There was nothing for them to have gotten into. Well, nothing except the potty pad. A very wet potty pad. And there was poop smeared all over the indoor/outdoor carpet in their pen. I didn’t see it until I turned a spot light on the carpet, because it was still pretty dark in their pen area. I realized then why they were always having soft to runny bm’s when in the house (only at night), and why their stools smelled so bad. They were being poisoned each time they were exposed to the chemicals in the potty pads. So, at 4:30 a.m. I washed their paws again, and took them outside in the wet grass, where it would be cool on their feet and tummies. I stayed there with them until the sun came up. At 6:00 a.m. I took apart their whole pen and thoroughly washed their indoor/ourdoor carpet. The potty pads are never to be used again. Each of the dogs needed rodded with a pad, a wet pad, since the moisture activated the chemicals it contained.

I felt so bad about exposing them to those chemicals, because I should have known better. The chemicals in potty pads are the same as those in menstrual pads, tampons, and disposable diapers for babies (and the elderly). There is always a degree of a health risk when they have chemicals in them, but of course, are more dangerous when they say“super absorbant”on the package. For instance, toxic shock is a possibility when super absorbant tampons are used, hormone and uterine problems can be an issue with super absorbant menstrual pads, sterility was found to be an issue at one particular diaper factory where the workers handled the same chemicals as they were putting them in disposable diapers, and incontinence can become a bigger issue when the elderly use these pads to sleep on. Praise God for protecting these puppies from my foolish mistake.

How Lawn Chemicals Impact Your Dog

We aren’t veterinarians, and wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do for your pet, but what we can do is share with you information we have found in our research in order to support your pet’s health from this point forward.

Last week I got a call from a person who had one of our standard poodle puppies. Her puppy had become very sick. She was lethargic, had had diarrhea, vomiting, a little foaming at the mouth, and was lying very still. My first instinct was to test her for parvo or distemper, but she had had homeopathic remedies for those things, so I felt it couldn’t be that. But she was obviously in a lot of trouble.

We did some muscle-testing, and what came up was lawn chemical poisoning. The new owners do not do anything with chemicals, inside or outside the house. However, every day she was going for walks with her new owner through the neighborhood and past chemically treated lawns. Each of these days she became more and more -“just not herself,”they told me. The fifth day was the day she called me. This poor little puppy’s body couldn’t take any more poison and still go on. 

We both felt there was no time to waste, as this poor puppy was really suffering. The first thing they did, after praying for God’s guidance, was to transfer the frequency (rod) of 3 capsules of charcoal into her tummy. A few minutes later they could rod in Alfalfa capsules to support her body in neutralizing some of the chemicals. Then they had to wait another 20 minutes to give her a remedy. It was a combination of gelsemium for the body aches she was having from the poison (she didn’t want to be touched), oscillococcinum for the nausea, and nux vomica for the liver damage she would be suffering from the poison. They let that work for about 8 minutes, then placed a whole vial of gelsemium beside where she was laying, to continue supporting her body in relief of the aching throughout her body. 

Within minutes after giving their puppy the remedy they witnessed an improvement. She actually stood up, went out the doggy door and relieved herself. No more vomiting or diarrhea. She immediately returned to her bed though, as if this one effort had exhausted her little body. There was nothing else that could be done for almost 3 hours. They had to wait and let her immune system work for awhile before giving her more charcoal and alfalfa. Water was offered in small amounts (2 teaspoons) every 2-3 hours. Sometimes she took it, sometimes she didn’t. No food was offered because her insides were so raw from chemical damage.

The second day the puppy was better but still very weak. Again they did the rodding of charcoal and alfalfa. Today she didn’t test on homeopathics, but rest, homemade bone broth and water. She could take up to 2 tablespoons of beef broth at a time, but only 2 times for the whole day. She could also have 2 tablespoons of water at a time. She slept most of the day, but was able to get up and go outside to relieve herself. By evening, more improvement was noted, she had more energy and seemed a little hungry, but they didn’t want to risk irritating her stomach, so didn’t feed her more than the 2 tablespoons of broth.

Day three, the puppy was up and ready to eat in the morning. No more charcoal or alfalfa was required, and she was able to drink at will. Food was restricted to broth and a little oatmeal to soothe her stomach, and now she was able to take as much as she wanted. Play times were short-lived, as she was still a little weak, but definitely recovering.

She won’t be taking walks in the neighborhood anymore, or even be allowed in the front yard where there is more of a chance of their yard to be contaminated by the neighbor’s chemicals. Their back yard has an 8 foot privacy fence all around it, so that will be safer. What a toxic world we are creating for ourselves.

Animal Autoimmune Disorders

A healthy person, or animal, acquires natural immunity through the experience of having had a particular illness/dis-ease. During the course of the dis-ease, antibodies against the particular organism are formed in the body. In the healthy individual, most of these antigens are permanent. In the unhealthy individual, one who eats poorly and ingests harmful substances, antibody production can be poor, the antibodies weak and even short-lived, leaving them with only temporary immunity to the dis-ease. 

There are also strains of the same organism that have been modified in laboratories for use in vaccines or medications.  While exposure to them can create identical symptoms in the animals who receive them, these modified strains can also be much more dangerous, because the immune system has trouble identifying and making antibodies to them.

Take Parvovirus for example.  One of the viruses in the class of parvoviruses is the feline panleukopenia virus, which in susceptible cats, can cause immunosuppressive issues.  Solution to this, or so they thought, was to make a vaccine for it. However, by adding the chemicals and drugs to it in the manufacture of a vaccine, it becomes a “resistant form” of the virus. Much more dangerous and deadly than the original, natural form. 

Here is what Don Hamilton, DVM, says about it in his book Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs:

I believe the massive vaccination program for canine parvovirus, which began some thirty-plus years after we began vaccinating cats with feline parvovirus, is creating this situation in dogs. If this is true, then the imminent future bodes poorly for dogs…” 

Doctor Richard Moskowitz, M.D., demonstrated that an antibody response caused by vaccines bypasses the normal portals of entry and the initial sequence of systemic immune activation. He says that by “artifically shocking the immune system into an antibody response by placing toxic material directly into the blood (i.e., vaccines) accomplishes what the entire immune system is designed to prevent.” He said this allows known harmful substances free access to the internal organs and tissues, which can inturn cause chronic health issues in the individual who received the vaccine.

Lets look at this a little more closely. The unnatural strains of the diseases vaccines are made for, are typically introduced into the body via injection and are coupled with a variety of identified and even some unidentified, strains of bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, animal and human tissue cells. As you can imagine, this causes a host of reactions in the brain, nervous system, and lymph, in addition to the immune system. It can create a state of confusion for the immune system, resulting in a less than effective response towards the desired bacteria or virus. In addition, what antibodies are formed, if any, can be for unsuspected, unintended substances.  If these antibodies are for animal tissue cells that were in the vaccine, the result is autoimmunity to those same cells in the body of the animal receiving the vaccine. Thus, the birth of an autoimmune disease. In the Principles of HumanAnatomy, fifth edition, an autoimmune disease is defined as “ one in which the body attacks it own tissues, failing to differentiate between what is foreign and what is not.”

While we know the immune system can become weak and even fail in the severely malnourished or in those who ingest harmful substances, medical literature does not provide proof that it has the ability to create antibodies to its own tissues unless it is artificially tricked into doing so. Unfortunately the term autoimmunity is fast becoming a catch-all phrase for diseases the medical society has no answers for, whether they have any relation to auto-antibody production or not. 

In addition to autoimmune diseases, there is another phenomenon that, in the past, was a rare occurrence. This is the increased incidence of hyper-sensitivity and allergic reactions in vaccinated populations. The life threatening peanut sensitivity is just one example. Along with these is the increased susceptibility to other dis-ease conditions, including:  Meningitis, chronic nausea, disorientation, bronchio-pneumonia, circulatory problems, mental and emotional problems, ataxia (difficulty walking), trembling in upper limbs, vertigo, and hearing problems. The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Lancet, Journal of Pediatrics, Archives of Internal Medicine, and British Medical Journal, all carry articles crediting flu vaccines with causing one or more of these conditions. The Lancet also published findings relating human immune suppression to the Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus (DPT) vaccine. 

Author and researcher Viera Scheibner, Ph.D, in her book  Vaccination, 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows That Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System, New Atlantean Press, Santa Fe, NM, pg. 136-137, writes: “…  It has been well documented that injections of foreign proteins, including those in vaccines, do not immunize, rather they sensitize. Instead of protecting against infectious diseases, they increase the recipient’s susceptibility to infectious diseases. Moreover, vaccines modify the immunologic response and cause a great variety of autoimmune diseases.” 

As one immunologist told a group of medical students (relayed to me via one of the students present), “Never let anyone inject anything into your body for any reason.

There is growing suspicion that immunization against relatively harmless childhood (or puppyhood)

diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases 

since mass inoculations were introduced.” Included in these diseases are: “cancer, 

leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, …Have we traded (these natural diseases) for cancer and leukemia?” Mendelsohn, Robert S. M.D., 1984. 

How to Raise a Healthy Child…In Spite of Your Doctor, Pg. 232. Ballantine Books, N.Y.

Understanding Pet Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccine Ingredients and Their Side-Effects

  1. Aluminum hydroxide adjuvant: Increases the reactivity of the immune system to the vaccines ingredients by 10-20 times; insures a much stronger, and at times, more dangerous reaction to the vaccine (it is added for this purpose); aluminum, because it is a neurotoxin, increases the toxicity of thimerosal when added to vaccines that contain it; causes massive brain-cell death in laboratory mice; aluminum is also linked to memory weakening and memory loss in humans as well as concentration problems.
  1. Thimerosal mercury derivative: Used as a preservative. Thimerosal releases ethylmercury, which is insoluble in water and penetrates the skin and all organs of the body with great ease. In 1977 a report was published that linked thimerosal to the death of 10 infants. Thimerosal suppresses the immune system, decreases the body’s ability to make B12, suppresses the proper modification of RNA and DNA, causes intestinal dysbiosis (intestinal flora begins to damage the intestines rather than protecting it), and cause abnormal myelination of the nervous system and corresponding neurological damage (i.e., tics, twitching, seizures).
  1. Antibiotics: Used to weaken the bacteria or pathogen it accompanies. Antibiotics cause a modification of bacteria and viruses when used in the vaccine, thereby making them resistant to the immune system; antibiotics introduce yeast, fungi, molds and mildew into the body of the recipient thereby encouraging the growth of bad bacteria and yeasts in the body; and they are linked to developmental disorders, learning disabilities, and immune system failures.
  1. Formaldehyde: Used as a germicide, fungicide, defoamer, and preservative. A highly reactive chemical that is damaging to the hereditary substances in the cells of several species; causes lung cancer in rats, “as well as other biological consequences”; damages the DNA and inhibits DNA repair; suspected of reacting with other chemical additives to produce mutagenic (mutations) and carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects.
  1. Polysorbate 80. An emulsifier, stabilizer and humectant, associated with the contaminant 1,4 dioxane that causes cancer in animals; contains harmful residues of ethylene oxide, ethylene glycols (see below), and can increase the absorption of fat-dissolving substances and can cause abnormalities of digestion.
  1. Ethylene oxide. A fumigant, derived from the oxidation of ethylene. Irritant to the eyes and skin, suspected as being a carcinogenUsed in pesticide products building materials and contributor of indoor air pollution. According to OSHA, it possesses several physical and health hazards. May contribute to respiratory problems, headache, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Chronic exposure is associated with cancer, reproductive imbalances, mutagenic changes, and neurotoxicity.
  1. Ethylene glycol. Typically used as an antifreeze, humectant, and solventToxic when ingested, causing central nervous system depression, vomiting, drowsiness, coma, respiratory failure, kidney damage and possibly death.
  1. Sodium phosphate dibasic. Buffer and effervescent used in the manufacture of nail enamels and detergents. 
  1. Monosodium glutamate: Causes brain damage in young rodents and brain damage effects in rats, rabbits, chicks, and monkeys. Depression, irritability and mood changes have also been reported. MSG is on the FDA list for further study for its mutagenic (an agent or factor that causes mutation of cells)teratogenic (causes malformation of an embryo) and reproductive effects. MSG administered to animals during neonatal period resulted in reproductive dysfunction when they became adults.
  1. Human and/or animal tissue cells: Often these tissues cells are “diseased”, meaning they are infected. They are used to grow some of the bacteria for vaccines. Any tissue cells in a vaccine can cause auto-antibody production to the recipients own body. Its called an auto-immune diseaseIt is impossible for the body to begin attacking its own tissues unless it is tricked into doing so through vaccines, or other injection of tissue cells. See “Autoimmune Disorders” below for more information.


  1. Vaccine Safety Manual, Neil Miller, New Atlantean Press
  2. Vaccine Epidemic, Louise Kuo Kabakus, M.A., Mary Holland, J.D.
  3. A Consumers Dictionary of Food Additives, Ruth Winter, M.S.
  4. Nutrition and Dietary Consultant, 1990, By Jeffery S. Bland, Ph.D.
  5. Rethinking AIDS, by Robert Root-Bernstein, PhD.
  6. Developmental Delay Registry, Patricia Lemer, Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, Oct 1995 
  7. Albert Hueber, Lets Live Magazine, June 1995

  8. The Plague Makers, by Jeffrey Fisher, MD.

  9. The Best Medicine, Kurt Butler, M.S., Lynn Rayner, M.D.
  10. Food is Your Best Medicine, Henry Bieler M.D.
  11. Newsweek, “The End of Antibiotics” Dr. Thomas Beam of the Buffalo, N.Y., VA Medical Center, March 1994

How to Raise a Healthy Dog: Part 4

It was July. We lost our puppy in May, and it still hurt.  There was something about his sweet face and disposition that had drawn me in, and I was still hurting.  In July I decided to start looking for a new puppy.  This time I was just going to look.  After my previous experience with a puppy, I decided it was okay if it took year or two to find another one, I was in no hurry this time.  I was going to pray about the right puppy and wait for God’s timing, however long that would take.  And this time, I was not going to accept a puppy that had either vaccines or was given harsh chemical dewormers.

I spent hours on the internet late in the evenings.  Then a friend called to tell me she had learned of a family in South Dakota that had Standard poodle puppies for sale.  I called the family and talked to the man who was selling the pupppies, and was willing to let me come see their dogs and their whole farm. They had two puppies left from the last litter, unfortunately though, they were both vaccinated and dewormed. They were, however, willing to set aside a puppy from the next litter and not vaccinate it or give it dangerous deworming chemicals.  This was good, I thought.  I went ahead and made an arrangement to go see their place and interview them.

Two weeks later I was on my way to South Dakota to meet these new breeders of standard poodles.  I found my way to their farm and got the tour. Then we sat outside in the shade under the trees and visited while the puppies played in the yard with their mother.  They seemed willing to talk about why I wanted a dog without vaccines, so I shared with them a little of what I knew, and my experience with having lost a puppy.  As is typical, they were concerned that a puppy without vaccines would get sick, because this is what they had been told.  They were also unaware of how dangerous the chemical dewormers were on a puppy’s gut and kidneys.  I encouraged them to research the topic and suggested they tell their vet to do the same.  Their vet, like so many other vets, hadn’t provided any proof the vaccines or the dewormer were either safe or effective.  Instead, when he was questioned about their safety, told them the same thing we so often hear from medical doctors that have no proof something is effective.  That “anyone can find studies to support whatever they want to believe if they look hard enough.”  I think it’s interesting that that doesn’t apply to them!  I encouraged this couple to challenge their vet with providing them his proof first.  He was the one pushing the vaccines, and had everything to gain from the sale, shouldn’t he provide written proof of the safety and efficacy of the vaccines?

A few weeks later, I was sharing what I knew about canine vaccines with a friend who had recently acquired 3 dogs from a shelter.  These poor dogs had been pumped full of every vaccine available to dogs.  I find this is typical of these shelters.  They call it “humane,” but I would argue that, in regard to their vaccine policies and practices.  There is nothing humane about pumping anyone, or anything, full of poisons.  My friend knew she had a long road ahead of her trying to restore the health of these dogs after their stay in the shelter.  The first thing she did was to find a holistic veterinarian who would have an intelligent discussion with her on the topic of vaccines. One who had researched them herself, instead of just reiterating what she had been taught to believe in veterinary school.

The veterinarian she found, told my friend that she too was not in favor of the vaccines done on animals. Not even the rabies vaccine. Most of us gasp at the thought that our dog doesn’t need a rabies vaccine. Afterall, look what happened on the movie Old Yeller. And, as I heard one woman exclaim, “rabies is so dangerous, if you get bit by a dog that hasn’t had a vaccine for it, you have to get a series of very painful rabies shots in your abdomen to prevent you from getting it.” Do you really? I personally know two people who didn’t, even though they were told that lab tests indicated that the dogs that bit them had rabies. They are fine. 

Another person got bit by a bat on his middle toe while playing soccer barefoot in the woods with some friends. Yes, bats are known to eat bugs off the ground at night in the woods. He actually had to pry the bat off of his foot. After approximately 24 hours, and several more games of soccer, his foot had swollen up to the point that it hurt to step down on it, so he went home. He was a teenager, which explains the lunacy of this story! His mother, who used naturopathic medicine rather than allopathic, had him wash his feet good, then gave him 3 doses of a rabies homeopathic to address the possibility of rabies from the bat. She witnessed a marked reduction in the swelling in his foot within just 30 minutes, at which time her son went back out with his friends. That was eight years ago. She said she knew rabies doesn’t go to the brain in people, or animals, like the vaccine does, so she wasn’t concerned. But did warn her son that if any other symptoms should occur, he was to return home immediately. 

My question is: Is the real rabies a natural, opportunistic virus for dogs, just like parvo and distemper are? In other words, do dogs get it naturally when they eat wild animals, rodents, road-kill, but don’t show symptoms because its not really the problem its blamed on being? 

Lets side-step rabies for a moment and look at a couple of other viruses. The parvo and distemper viruses. Research indicates there is a vaccine component (i.e., a modified/resistant strain) to those animals who exhibit symptoms from these viruses. In fact, dogs who get the parvo and distemper vaccines together, sometimes soon after, exhibit the very symptoms blamed on rabies: Moodiness, personality changes, sudden episodes of violence and rage. Maybe this is just a coincidence, you say, because the dog is sick from being vaccinated. This is true, just as children are sick after vaccines, and understandably so, since they were injected with several disease cells all at once (this never happens in nature), along with a number of chemicals, additives, parasites from the diseased animal and/or aborted fetal cells, all in the same vaccine. We, and/or our pets certainly should be sick. No wonder so many die or suffer chronic illness, auto – immune disease, and permanent damage afterwards. 

However, that aside, I have spoken to a number of people who did the Parvo-Distemper vaccine homeopathic when their animals exhibited symptoms of rage, anger, moodiness, and snapping (in the attempt to bite) to address vaccine brain damage. Then soon after the homeopathic was given, the personality of their animals changed back to the sweet animal they were familiar with. 

One person said she gave this remedy to both their golden retriever and their son. She said both of whom were sweet, loving beings until their dog had this vaccine. After trying the homeopathic on both of them they not only had a very welcome personality shift back to the normal, but her son excelled in school once again. What was amazing was that in this particular situation the Parvo-Distemper vx homeopathic wasn’t given until 2 years after the vaccine had been given. This same combination homeopathic, I’ve been told, works wonders on dogs who seem to “hate children.” What do I mean by that? These are dogs who will snap at children, lunge at children, growl at children, or otherwise have no tolerance for children. If you decide to try this remedy on your pet(s) remember, its the remedy made from the vaccines, not the normal viruses. The normal viruses do not appear to cause these symptoms.

Lets get back to rabies. If what you know about rabies is limited to what you saw in the movie, or have heard in the media…you know the picture, the insane animal frothing at the mouth, attacking every moving thing in sight. You may have been misled. After the release of the Old Yeller movie, the public’s impression of rabies was that it could cause insanity, biting, foaming at the mouth, infection and eventual death in those who came in contact with it. I have not been able to personally find any studies to substantiate these beliefs. My friend with the shelter dogs that I mentioned above, asked her veterinarian about rabies, and was surprised when she told her that she has never seen any proof that rabies causes any of the symptoms we have been led to believe it does. She went even further to tell her that she didn’t know anyone in veterinary medicine who had seen a case of rabies that did anything obvious to the animal. Not even while in veterinary school. Another veterinarian of 28 years, when asked about this same vaccine, commented “I don’t care whether you vaccinate with rabies or not, it doesn’t do anything that benefits the animal anyway.” 

Doctor Martin Goldstein, D.V.M., in his book, The nature of Animal Healing had an interesting take on rabies. Although he does believe that rabies can cause a dog to have violent mood shifts and violent tendencies, has this to say about the vaccine:

Administered annually by law in many states, and by vererinarians’ recommendaion in most others, 

the rabies vaccine bombards a pet’s immune system with alarming amounts of foreign substances. 

In cats, the vaccine has been linked to fibrosarcomas. In both cats and dogs, it contributes to chronic 

vaccinosis (illness caused by vaccines), as well as the rabies miasm (illnesses passed down through the generations ). If you live in a state that does require annual rabies vaccination by law, all you can 

do is protest – or move. If you don’t, let moderation, not the fearful images of rabid dogs from the movies, 

be your guide… In my twenty-five years of veterinary practive, I haven’t observed or treated a single 

case of it. Does the vaccine get all the credit? I think not. .. As for the rare case of a rabid bat, say, 

biting a person and infecting her with rabies, it’s true, those cases occur. Do we all submit to annual 

rabies vaccine as a result? Of course not! So why should our pets?”

Why do medical authorities still act as though there is undeniable proof rabies is so dangerous to dogs, and therefore humans? One possible explanation might be what Doctor Robert Bradley, M.D., called blind acceptance. Once the idea is put out there, in this case by a movie, and the general public believes it, they apply pressure on medical authorities to provide a solution. And the medical authorities are happy to oblige, because there isn’t any reason not to. Whether or not the solution is viable, or backed by studies, is neither here nor there, as long as it appeases the masses and makes the medical society a great deal of money.