Animal Autoimmune Disorders

A healthy person, or animal, acquires natural immunity through the experience of having had a particular illness/dis-ease. During the course of the dis-ease, antibodies against the particular organism are formed in the body. In the healthy individual, most of these antigens are permanent. In the unhealthy individual, one who eats poorly and ingests harmful substances, antibody production can be poor, the antibodies weak and even short-lived, leaving them with only temporary immunity to the dis-ease. 

There are also strains of the same organism that have been modified in laboratories for use in vaccines or medications.  While exposure to them can create identical symptoms in the animals who receive them, these modified strains can also be much more dangerous, because the immune system has trouble identifying and making antibodies to them.

Take Parvovirus for example.  One of the viruses in the class of parvoviruses is the feline panleukopenia virus, which in susceptible cats, can cause immunosuppressive issues.  Solution to this, or so they thought, was to make a vaccine for it. However, by adding the chemicals and drugs to it in the manufacture of a vaccine, it becomes a “resistant form” of the virus. Much more dangerous and deadly than the original, natural form. 

Here is what Don Hamilton, DVM, says about it in his book Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs:

I believe the massive vaccination program for canine parvovirus, which began some thirty-plus years after we began vaccinating cats with feline parvovirus, is creating this situation in dogs. If this is true, then the imminent future bodes poorly for dogs…” 

Doctor Richard Moskowitz, M.D., demonstrated that an antibody response caused by vaccines bypasses the normal portals of entry and the initial sequence of systemic immune activation. He says that by “artifically shocking the immune system into an antibody response by placing toxic material directly into the blood (i.e., vaccines) accomplishes what the entire immune system is designed to prevent.” He said this allows known harmful substances free access to the internal organs and tissues, which can inturn cause chronic health issues in the individual who received the vaccine.

Lets look at this a little more closely. The unnatural strains of the diseases vaccines are made for, are typically introduced into the body via injection and are coupled with a variety of identified and even some unidentified, strains of bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, animal and human tissue cells. As you can imagine, this causes a host of reactions in the brain, nervous system, and lymph, in addition to the immune system. It can create a state of confusion for the immune system, resulting in a less than effective response towards the desired bacteria or virus. In addition, what antibodies are formed, if any, can be for unsuspected, unintended substances.  If these antibodies are for animal tissue cells that were in the vaccine, the result is autoimmunity to those same cells in the body of the animal receiving the vaccine. Thus, the birth of an autoimmune disease. In the Principles of HumanAnatomy, fifth edition, an autoimmune disease is defined as “ one in which the body attacks it own tissues, failing to differentiate between what is foreign and what is not.”

While we know the immune system can become weak and even fail in the severely malnourished or in those who ingest harmful substances, medical literature does not provide proof that it has the ability to create antibodies to its own tissues unless it is artificially tricked into doing so. Unfortunately the term autoimmunity is fast becoming a catch-all phrase for diseases the medical society has no answers for, whether they have any relation to auto-antibody production or not. 

In addition to autoimmune diseases, there is another phenomenon that, in the past, was a rare occurrence. This is the increased incidence of hyper-sensitivity and allergic reactions in vaccinated populations. The life threatening peanut sensitivity is just one example. Along with these is the increased susceptibility to other dis-ease conditions, including:  Meningitis, chronic nausea, disorientation, bronchio-pneumonia, circulatory problems, mental and emotional problems, ataxia (difficulty walking), trembling in upper limbs, vertigo, and hearing problems. The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Lancet, Journal of Pediatrics, Archives of Internal Medicine, and British Medical Journal, all carry articles crediting flu vaccines with causing one or more of these conditions. The Lancet also published findings relating human immune suppression to the Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus (DPT) vaccine. 

Author and researcher Viera Scheibner, Ph.D, in her book  Vaccination, 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows That Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System, New Atlantean Press, Santa Fe, NM, pg. 136-137, writes: “…  It has been well documented that injections of foreign proteins, including those in vaccines, do not immunize, rather they sensitize. Instead of protecting against infectious diseases, they increase the recipient’s susceptibility to infectious diseases. Moreover, vaccines modify the immunologic response and cause a great variety of autoimmune diseases.” 

As one immunologist told a group of medical students (relayed to me via one of the students present), “Never let anyone inject anything into your body for any reason.

There is growing suspicion that immunization against relatively harmless childhood (or puppyhood)

diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases 

since mass inoculations were introduced.” Included in these diseases are: “cancer, 

leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, …Have we traded (these natural diseases) for cancer and leukemia?” Mendelsohn, Robert S. M.D., 1984. 

How to Raise a Healthy Child…In Spite of Your Doctor, Pg. 232. Ballantine Books, N.Y.